"Amazing New Betfair Greyhound Tool"

"For feedback - I am loving the greyhound cards and so impressed with all the excellent educational videos you post. I am on day 31 of my 1% compounding bank building and exactly on track."

Everyday there are 100 to 135 races on the UK greyhound market.

Sometimes they start as early as 8.12 am in the morning and most day’s finish at nearly 10pm at night.

This is where many punters make their daily pocket money.

And when I say pocket money…

…I don’t mean £1 or £2.

I mean £10, £50 or even £100 (And sometimes even more).


…I will be the first to admit it is not easy.

If you have been trying to make money on the Greyhounds up to now, then unfortunately you have more than likely failed or lost money.

It’s really difficult to find a winner and if you lay...

...You can easily get caught out by an unsuspecting high-priced winner.

There are plenty of products out there that will try to tell you otherwise.

The problem is they either just do not work or worse expect you to use some kind of dangerous staking plan.

I mean  you would think it should be easy to make a profit on the Greyhound Markets.

Look at the facts:

- Only 6 runners to worry about (Sometimes only 5 or even 4!).
- Reasonable prices to cover losses. (Most greyhound prices start in the 3[A]s) 
- Plenty of action (Over 130 races most days)
- 2 Place pay out on the "2 to be placed"  market.

How hard can it be?

Well without the right information...it[A]s hard!

"Just a quick note to say how pleased i am with the greyhound cards. I[A]m doing quite well with them. Yesterday I got off to a poor start with two losses after one win, which made me about 7 points down but (as you[A]ve mentioned previously) I kept at it and pulled it back around for my daily 5 points profit. Excellent!"

…They just catch you out.


Well before we get into that let me tell you a quick story.

In case you don’t know my name is Malcolm.

I have been developing software for the Horse and Greyhound Markets for the last 20+ years.

Yep you heard that right…20+ years.

In that time I built up a horse racing database of over 1million results.

I also have been building an extensive Greyhound database and have even got a Football results database as well.

I love statistics and enjoy creating software...

...Software that digs in to the data to find winning angles.

It was while analysing our greyhound data that I discovered a couple of ratings that first helped me find a way of making profit on the Greyhound Markets.

I was using the information to predict the chance of a runner winning a race based on the certain characteristics about the runner and the course.

This led me to create three important pieces of information:

1. The  “Chance of Winning”

This could be the best strategy yet!.

2  A “Rating”
3  A “Score”

But I also added a "predicted price" as well as my own rating.

It looks like this.

The Greyhound Cards

This how it started and at first glance you may think there is a lot to look at…

…But after a while my users kept asking for more and more information to make life easier.

Here is how GRC looks today.

How the cards look today


You now have a lot more information at your fingertips so you can so things like this.

The cards were originally made for “Layers” mainly...

...It just seemed easier to find dogs to lay.

But as more and more users have sent in their ideas we have come across back systems as well as Place systems.

Like this 1 point a day place "Back" method.

1 point a day place methos


What is a “lay” bet (Skip this if you know)?.

Lay bets are traditionally done with and exchange like “Betfair” where you bet on a runner to lose.

This does come with risks though.

When you lay you act like a bookie and have to pay out if you lose.

So let us say you lay a runner at a price of 3.00 (This is 2/1 on the exchange).
If your runner does win the race then you pay our your stake multiplied by 2.00(3-1)

It may be a little hard to understand but all will be explained.

The big thing is to keep your stakes sensible and your maximum odds within a range that suits you.


If you have had trouble finding winning strategies on Greyhounds in the past then look no further.

That’s where the Greyhound Race Cards come in.

These cards have been especially developed for users like yourself that want a simple way to find winners.

Using the information on the cards...

...You can simply look to see likely suspects and then take on the one that meets your price criteria.

To help you I have created a formula that works very well.

In fact the one we use now is not just mine...

...It was perfected by users!

I can teach you literally in minutes how to go to any greyhound race…

It so simple.

1. Your select the race.
2. You check the race meets 3 points of criteria (Fully explained in the members area)
3. You sort the card by the "Score Column"
4. Check that lowest score runner meets the criteria.

It’s repeatable and works.

Everyday you get the cards (available by 8am) and then you can either just start following the racing or look through the cards to plan out your session or day.

If you want to expand on the main method I give with the service then that is fine.

In fact you will find 18 videos showing you what I and other users have learned from using the software.

These include videos like:
Top Trap Win Method
The Switch Method
Kev[A]s Place Lay Method

The Under 15% COW Method
The Speed Rank Method
4 to 6 Lay Win Method
PSR(1) method

And many more.

All these videos and many more are included in your membership.

Bonus 1. Growth Spreadsheet
Trade Growth Sheet Bonus

Plus you get my famous "Growth Spreadsheet Plan". This amazing spreadsheet will change the way you think about betting for ever and show you that even with small daily wins you can build up to large stakes and a big bank quickly even if you start with just 50p stakes.

But that[A]s not all you will find on your members page.

Bonus 3. The daily selection link software.
The daily Linking SOftware
This software allows you to pre-set ideas so that you can get the daily selections that meet your criteria easily each day.

Bonus 4. The Daily Stats Cards.

The Daily Stats Cards
These amazing cards allow you see quickly at a glance which traps at each course has the highest win/lose rate.

Including over the last 30 days as well as using all our data.

You get the Videos, Trade Growth Plan, Daily Selections link Software and the Daily Card Stats...

...You get all this including free updates for just £59.99 £49.00 (limited time offer) for a full 3 months use.

Just £59.99£49.99(3 months access)
When you purchase today this option Includes the daily Greyhound Race Card Software, Daily Results Cards, manual and videos and a full 92 days access.

By ticking this checkbox you agree with the following statement: 
"I understand this is a gambling method that comes with no guarantees it will work for me. Because of this I also understand that it is a "Non-Refundable" purchase and that I paying for you to give me the daily selections with no guarantees that I can get similar results to those shown in information and results provided. I also agree to the Terms and conditions". 
Click Here for T & C (open in new window or tab)

PayPal we don[A]t actively support PayPal but if you wish to use this method then log in to your PayPal account and then select send money. Send £49.99 to sales@bluebelldata.co.uk and add the message "greycards software".

Don[A]t forget that price can go up at anytime.


Q. What size Bank do I need.?
A. I would suggest for starters you are going to need at least £50 to £100 to make you comfortable using the method.

Q. Does this method use Recovery staking?
A. It is not suggested. These are standard "lay" selections (and back selections). Sometimes you may not make profit on a session but you should make that up over the next one.

Q. What will I need to follow along?
1. A Betfair account (Betdaq may be ok as well)
3. If you want to use under 2.00 stakes (Or £10 liability) you will need some form of software.

Q. Is it a "One Off" payment?
A. Yes. If you select one of the 92 days options you get a full 92 days access to the cards. After that you will need to pay again (I will try to lock in this price for you).

Q. Do you email the selections?
A. No. All the information is on the daily cards which you can access in any browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc).

Q. Can we automate the selections?
A. The software comes with a special "link builder" that allows you to create bot links to use with the Greyhorse Bot (separate purchase) which will allow you to automate many scenarios.

Until next time


P.S. Don[A]t forget places and prices are limited!

* You will need a separate Greyhorse bot subscription to automate the selection links. 


This guide /report is for information only. In no way we are advising you to act on the guide /report or to bet on live markets. Please seek proper advice if you are unsure what to do.

Unmatched bets, prices out of range and other factors may influence your results compared to ours so we can in no way guarantee that you will achieve similar results. In fact your results could be worse.

Please see Betfair’s information on how they match bets.

Matched bets can be influenced by timing, stake amounts and other factors.

Online or off line betting is not appropriate for everyone.

There is a substantial risk of loss associated with betting. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the information on this guide /report/article will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular betting program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.

In addition, hypothetical betting does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical betting record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual betting. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular betting program in spite of betting losses are material points which can also adversely affect betting results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific betting program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual betting results.




Please Gamble Responsibly 

Bluebell Data. Registered office: 29 bath road, Swindon, Wilts.SN1 4AS